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Rumors spreading mainstream media outlets continue to blackout and censor police brutality and the protest the arise from them are not surprising. We must not forget most mainstream media outlets are owned by rich, conservative, right-winged drones whose news feed us what they want us to see and hear. Information is censored to dumb us down and keep Americans passive for fear if they “wake up” the truth will set our minds free from all the programmed propaganda.

Mainstream media feeds are mainly for the benefit of white America. The generation who run and control this country was spoon feed on shows like Mayberry RFD. Sheriff Andy Taylor, Deputy Barney Fife, and Opie Taylor all-white cast took place in a small Southern town free from crime and people of color. The social upheaval that occurred during The Andy Griffith Show's final 1968 season (including the Vietnam stalemate, student/ street protests, the slayings of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and Bobby Kennedy, and racial riots) is similar to what's happening today in America.

 Many of these same pre-civil rights throwbacks who run our nation politically and economically are still very much a part of the power landscape today, wistful for a more stable, idealistic White Washed America that's existed back in the day.

A color-blind society that removed only the physical markers of “White Only” were replaced by Civil Rights Bills that were signed with our blood-stained legacy.

Conservative mainstream media news feeds are for and by white people to brainwash the minds of whites against people of color. Too often they depict people of color as a terrorist, murders, or angry criminals, so these are the images they subliminally program into the minds of whites to escalate their fear and dehumanize us.

I’m a Black male rumor has it I’m Endangered?

White people must do everything they can to segregate themselves from becoming victimized thus white privilege (supremacy) is maintained, "Us" against them.

Policing has always been an organized militia to protect their property; human bondage (prisons, slaves) material, economic wealth 'etc.

Any kind of social uprising of the colored majority (80% of the world's population) is an imminent threat to their white power structure, they can't allow colonized minds to become liberated. Policing in America always been a tool of white supremacy.

Militarized militia much like the military armed forces (Navy, Marines, Air force, Army) maintain global white supremacy.

This is why there will never be racial diversity in community policing, the police force role is much like the KKK or a better way to say this, in some city municipalities they are the Klan. They serve and protect the system of white supremacy racism by intimidating and instilling fear among the oppressed color majority.

Cops act as an occupying force of programed Robo-Cops to keep us controlled, contained, intimidated, and in a constant state of fear. When you have the power to strip a man of his physical freedom, life, liberty, and have shown you will exercise that power “by any means necessary” that's intimidating.

I love whats happening in America today with the racial uprisings. Seeing all different races and cultures unite on one common theme is liberating and instill hope in humanity. At the forefront of this movement is the murder of George Floyd a black man choked to death by a white Minneapolis cop.

The nationwide protests over police brutality have featured the common rallying cry to overhaul policing in the United States. I don't personally think the police can be fixed unless we figure out a way to weed out racist cops.

Today I went to one of the Black Lives Matter rally being held in Detroit as well as all over the globe and the unifying chant tattooed handwritten protest signs and boarded up storefront windows were “fund Black futures, keep our people out of jail. The whole damn system is guilty as hell.” Wow, I never felt so proud of our youth watching them fighting for equality and injustice.

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